This is not an option is an oil painting made in 2020 on linen with an aluminum stretcher, coming in a black baking list. The size of the painting is 140 x 100 cm and has been finished with a matt varnish.
The environment is essential for the life of all organisms on earth, including humans, animals, and plants. However, the environment is globally affected by industry, aviation, and livestock farming, among other things. In addition to overpopulation, these are the most critical environmental issues that require a solution worldwide.
Scientists have also been warning for years about the risk of infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. The only question was when these viruses would strike. The current Covid-19 pandemic is just one of these infectious diseases and has already resulted in a global crisis. Despite the warnings, no nation was prepared for this, and the coronavirus outbreak and the lack of a vaccine to combat this disease have shown that, in addition to the pressure on the global economy and healthcare, a dichotomy has quickly arisen in daily life between young and old on the one hand, and risk groups in terms of health on the other.
For its own survival, humanity has the challenge of actively tackling all these problems and bringing them to a global solution. Fleeing to COVID-19 free areas and continuing to hide behind the masks until all of nature itself is confronted with this is not an option.
Gerrit Swaan